To tweet or not to tweet - apropos, cum ati traduce asta in romana?
"The other day I spoke at a conference for the leading bloggers in Norway.
It was a little unnerving. Bloggers are a pretty fast bunch, so singing the praises of Slow to them felt like barbecuing a steak at a vegan retreat.
From the stage, I could see laptop screens glowing in the dark. An iPhone rang. Members of the audience tweeted my talk, their dispatches scrolling down a large screen behind me. In Norwegian.
Even so, the Slow message seemed to go down well. I was not booed, heckled or pelted with tomatoes. Okay, someone tweeted that I reminded him of Quentin Tarantino. But given the high geek content in the room, I’m going to take that as a compliment."
Cititi continuarea pe blogul lui Carl Honore.
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Acum o săptămână
Se pare ca se zice "a tuiteri" sau "a twiteri"; gasesti deja cateva zeci de atestari cu Google (am cautat,deocamdata,"tuiteresc", "twiteresti", "tuiterim"...).
Ia te uita, acum se poate posta mai usor un comentariu pe blogul tau? Ce se intampla???
RăspundețiȘtergere@ anonimu'
RăspundețiȘtergeremultam, speram in mai multa imaginatie :-)
@ anonim
habar n'am, n-am facut nimic deosebit ;-)
am adaugat doar search box-ul din dreapta.