joi, ianuarie 29, 2009

Jovanotti - Bella

Gata, pun si clipuri de acum ;-)

marți, ianuarie 27, 2009


Guinness - ad
o fi mai vechi dar eu acu' l-am vazut si placut.
Asadar, daca va plac cartile...

vineri, ianuarie 23, 2009

Cica se duce Vama Veche

Un prieten care traieste de ceva vreme in Belgia mi-a trimis un email scurt din care strabatea tristetea. Si un link.
Da, e adevarat, insa - sa fim seriosi - se duce de mult. De cand a inceput sa se construiasca pe plaja. De cand au inceput sa vina Ferrariuri si Lamborghiniuri. De cand a inceput sa se auda multa muzica ciudata pentru locurile alea. De cand nu mai vine acelasi gen de oameni care veneau odata, de cand...
Ar fi fost bine daca s-ar fi putut face ceva insa nu se putea sa-i spui bizonului "Mai frate, vrei exotism du-te in insule, uite - iti propun Insula Serpilor." Asa ca ramanem frumos cu amintirile noastre, cum la fel de bine ei or sa ramana cu amintirile lor. Ca asa-i in tenis.
Voi aveti amintiri de pe acolo?

joi, ianuarie 22, 2009

Volvo truck

iaca ceva nou, un joculet dragut si mai ales scurt ;-)


miercuri, ianuarie 14, 2009

Evaluarea angajatilor - probleme practice

Ieri, un prieten a lansat o tema de discutie care a fost extrem de vie si dezbatuta. Ideea era urmatoarea: avand un sistem functional de evaluare a angajatilor intr-o companie, cum este mai bine - sa faci sau nu public rezultatul fiecaruia?
Din asta a mai rezultat o dilema. Ce se intampla dupa ce faci publice rezultatele?
Daca angajatul care face 80% din targetul departamentului ia un scor de rahat la evaluarea generala ai doua solutii: il penalizezi cumva (pe bune, nu doar de fatada) si atunci s-ar putea sa-si bage picioarele si sa plece la concurenta sau il premiezi/promovezi si atunci o sa-si bage ceilalti picioarele. I se vor trece cu vederea mitocaniile/inadaptabilitatea/incapacitatile manageriale pentru motivul simplu ca el aduce banu’, ca fara el compania/departamentul ar putea avea probleme serioase?
Sau cum bine comenta amicul - "rezultatele bune pe relatia externa (client) scuza sau nu un comportament de autobaza in intern (colegi) "?

luni, ianuarie 12, 2009

E asa cum va zic eu!

De cate ori am timp, cand citesc stiri si articole, imi arunc privirea si peste comentariile cititorilor. Ce ma surprinde intotdeauna, indiferent ca este vorba de masini, politica, pescuit sau fizica moleculara este ca aproape toti au o parere foarte clara asupra subiectului in cauza, nu razbate nici un fior dubitativ, ca deh… oameni suntem, poate mai gresim si noi. Siguranta asta cu care sunt sustinute diverse opinii, mai mult sau mai putin discutabile, este nu doar un simptom al limitarii ci si o dorinta puternica de a afirma ego-ul propriu. Indoiala nu exista!
La inceput ma enervam, pe urma m-am amuzat iar acum ma cam plictisesc – le mai citesc cateodata sa vad daca gasesc ceva inedit.

Va dau cateva exemple caracteristice, zic eu, de asemenea comentarii. Si am ales la intamplare, trei tipuri de “publicatii”, cautate pe diverse teme (recunosc, fierbinti oricand) pe Google: blog, site de stiri, forum.
Ai citit unul, le-ai cam citit pe toate…nu-i asa?
Ce alte teme mai starnesc asa pasiuni?

PS. Si pentru ca si indoiala are o limita, va propun citeva citate memorabile.

miercuri, ianuarie 07, 2009

In crisis

Dupa cum spunea Vlad ieri, acum e o perioada propice reflectiilor ;-)
Azi am vazut o stire si mi-am dat seama ca nu am inteles niciodata miliardarii care se sinucid pentru ca au pierdut pe bursa si li se prabuseste imperiul. Voi ii intelegeti?

Mai jos am gasit o explicatie generala.

Understanding Crisis Theory

Definition of Crisis
A crisis is any situation for which a person does not have adequate coping skills. Therefore, crisis is self-defined. What is a crisis for one person may not be a crisis for another person. Crises may range from seemingly minor situations, such as not being prepared for class, to major life changes, such as death or divorce. Crisis is environmentally based. What is now a crisis may not have been a crisis before or would not be a crisis in a different setting.

The Crisis Process
Crises tend to have a specific pattern.

The person realizes that they are not coping.

Attempted Resolution
The person struggles to solve the situation and may involve other people to try and help. Typically, a crisis person does not perceive others as fully understanding the crisis or supporting the crisis person in the crisis.

Emotional Blockage
Not being able to solve the crisis, the person is overwhelmed by emotions. Fear, anxiety, anger, confusion, inadequacy, guilt, and grief are common. From the sheer intensity of the emotions, the person becomes unable to deal rationally with the situation. Usual thought processes are disrupted by feelings, and "thinking about the problem" is not only difficult, but also frustrating and unproductive. This perceived inability to deal with what is going on leads to a loss of self-esteem and reinforces the panic of emotions surrounding the situation. A vicious cycle is formed; not coping lowers the self-esteem, and the lowered self-esteem lessens the ability to cope.

How To Respond To Someone In Crisis
In order to help someone resolve their crisis, it is necessary to begin, not at the beginning with the situation, but at the end with the overwhelming emotions. In order to help someone in crisis, you must deal with the feelings. The emotions are blocking the person's abilities to think and cope. Spend time identifying and talking about feelings -- this is the most important part of how you can help someone who has a problem that they don't know how to cope with. Strive to understand and empathize.You will not be able to respond effectively until you understand the problem from the crisis person's point of view. To be helpful you must understand what the situation means to the person involved. Encourage the person in crisis to identify the problem. By allowing the crisis person to explain what the situation means to them and by permitting the person to identify and explore the feelings, often the emotional blockage is reduced and the person can start to find their own answers.

Once the intense feelings have been processed and you feel as if you understand the problem from the crisis person's point of view, then you can begin to help them look for their own coping skills and alternatives. Try not to give advice or offer a solution. The person knows the situation and their own skills better than anyone else, even better than someone who has been through similar experiences. People in crisis are easily influenced. Having answers provided lowers the person's self-esteem further and can lead to dependency or resentment. By producing their own solutions, people in crisis are more likely to follow through with the plans and develop new coping skills.

Copyright 2001-2007. All rights reserved. 2-1-1 Big Bend, Inc.

luni, ianuarie 05, 2009

Ice age

Urmaream pe Discovery sau pe Animal Planet un documentar despre Ice Age si cand am aflat ca peste Europa era un strat de aproximativ 3 km. de gheata (de fapt undeva pe langa Londra) iar in Cleveland grosimea era de o mila (vezi poza cu greu gasita pe net dupa milioane de imagini din Ice Age 1, 2, etc) mi-a rasarit brusc o intrebare.
In cazul in care ar ploua la nesfarsit, sa zicem, cel putin teoretic ai putea adopta solutia Noe si te-ai urca intr-o barca. Dar daca ar ninge fara oprire cum te-ai putea salva?