Daca aveti dubii apropos de anumite mituri sau pur si simplu vreti sa va distrati, puteti intra pe un nou link la MythBusters. Mai jos, coloana din dreapta, Linkuri faine. Trebuie doar sa stiti engleza.
Va dau niste mostre de mituri care au fost testate...
- While escaping prison, you could climb down a wall using a rope made of bedsheets.
- An assassin can use a meat bullet to kill someone without leaving a trace.
- You stay drier running in the rain than walking.
- It is possible to legally beat the police speed radar and/or lidar by jingling a set of keys.
- Ninjas have the ability to run across water.
- A beer keg can explode with lethal force if placed in an open fire.
Trik Jitu Paling Top Bermain RTP Slot 123
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